Terralift Drainfield Restoration
The TERRALIFT can help these problems!
The Terralift revitalizes your septic field in (1) day or less WITHOUT tearing up your lawn! That’s right, NO excavation of your yard or high costs associated with excavation.
How does it work?
The Terralift process uses a 4 ft or 6 ft narrow probe to penetrate the soil around the septic trenches or seepage bed.
Once in the ground, it does several things at once. It sends a blast of compressed air into the soil creating new cracks and fissures for liquids to pass through. While the ground is still newly fractured, it sends very tiny polystyrene beads into the new fractures to keep them permanently open once the ground settles. The beads are ESSENTIAL to the longevity of this process.
The blast of compressed air disturbs the oily black coating (called the biomat) off of the soil surrounding the gravel which we vacuum clean out with a vacuum pumper truck. This keeps the biomat from re-settling into the soil again. Through trial and error we have found this to be another ESSENTIAL component to prolonging the life of your newly rejuvenated septic system. Once the soil fracturing is complete your system will operate efficiently once again!
With proper preventative maintenance septic tank pump outs (yearly should be the minimum) and water conservation, your field should continue to work well for many years to come!